Please join the Mines Natural Resources and Energy Policy and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Will Toor, Executive Director, Colorado Energy Office, presenting a seminar live in CoorsTek, Studio 140, or virtual titled Achieving Climate Goals: Colorado’s GHG Roadmap on Thursday, March 17, 2022 from 12:30pm – 1:45pm (MT).
Will Toor is the director of the transportation program at the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project. He is also a member of the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission. He served as Boulder County Commissioner from 2005-2012, and Mayor of Boulder, Colorado from 1998-2004. Will served on the board of the Denver Regional Council of Governments from 1998-2012, including serving as board chair. He led DRCOG in adopting goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles travelled in the region. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago in 1992.