Please join the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines and the Getches-Wilkinson Center, CU Law School, as we welcome Eric Blank, Chair, Colorado Public Utilities Commission, Julie Murphy, Director, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Sharon Jacobs, Associate Professor and Board Member of the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment, University of Colorado Law School, and Payne Institute Director Morgan Bazilian, presenting a webinar titled Energy and Climate Law and Policy in Colorado on Friday, February 26, 2021 from 12:00pm – 1:15pm (MT).
The interface between legal scholars and practitioners and policy-makers is critical to the formation of robust pathways towards a low-carbon future. To this end, we are excited to be establishing a new collaborative initiative on energy and natural resources law and policy. The partnership draws on CU Law’s strong history of excellence in energy and natural resources law, and the technical and scientific excellence at the School of Mines.
Initially, we will begin with a series of topical events focusing on: Colorado’s leadership in energy law and policy; Just transitions; Public finance; Rethinking energy orthodoxies; and Climate Change. The initiative will seek to provide robust insights for decision makers at the nexus of policy and law in the state, the country, and internationally.
Colorado’s breathtaking natural environment, abundant fossil fuel and renewable energy resources and unique brand of bipartisanship provide the backdrop for its emergence as a national leader on energy and natural resources law and policy.
This Webinar will explore that leadership as embodied in Colorado’s first-in-the-nation, bipartisan regulation of methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure; in its current efforts to rethink regulation of oil and gas extraction under SB 181; in its partnership with major utilities to eliminate carbon from its electricity system; and in its engagement with national policy.
Please join us for the second part of this webinar titled a Conversation on Energy and Climate with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser on March 26, 2021 from noon – 1:00p.m. (MT).