Join us for the legendary and always enjoyable Lesli Wood in her 4th performance at Concerts in the Library. For this concert, she will answer the #1 question from audiences, “I wonder what the real story is behind that song?”
Arkansas native Lesli Wood has been playing acoustic guitar, performing, writing and recording songs for 40 years. Per Lesli, “I will play you some of my favorites and some that stay in the drawer— probably for good reason! Maybe we will write some in real time! I mean, Bartley the Pig has his own song and you can too. Drop by to hear some original songs and enjoy a discussion about where songs come from and how they end up on the album, or don’t.”
Dr. Lesli Wood holds the Weimer Chair in Geology and Geological Engineering at Mines. She has worked all over the world as a geologist and musician. These experiences have provided much source material for her songs. Per Lesli, “I will perform at this concert, minus my wingman Gabe Walton, who is on sabbatical and try to live up to the “Walton and Wood” reputation for an entertaining hour of music and fun.”
Bring a friend, enjoy LIVE music and help support Mines performing artists! Brown bag lunches welcome. Hot and cold beverages provided by the Library’s Book and Brew.