Please join the Mines Global Energy Future Initiative and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Matt Gallagher, Mines Alumni, Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer, Greenlake Energy Ventures, presenting a virtual seminar titled The Fossil Future – Where Does Old Fossil Fit in a Low Carbon Future on Friday, October 1, 2021 from 9:00am – 10:00am (MT).
Is Fossil Fuel use going to be obsolete by 2050? If not, what are the appropriate uses? Matt looks back on his career and evaluates development themes of the past and shares what he thinks they tell us about the future.
Matt Gallagher is a Mines alumni (BS Petroleum Engineering ’05) who played football under Coach Stitt and was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Gallagher went on to work at Pioneer Natural Resources, then later Parsley Energy, where he became Chief Executive Officer and helped steward the Company’s IPO and later merger into Pioneer Natural Resources. He is currently the President and CEO of Greenlake Energy Ventures, a Venture Partner at NGP Energy Capital and a board member of Pioneer Natural Resources and Chesapeake Energy. His has 3 kids with his wife Katherine who is also a Mines alumni (BS Metallurgical Engineering ’05).