Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, January 19, 2023
How Re-Os Isotope Systematics in Petroleum Systems was Born
Abstract: Twenty years ago, my research program serendipitously took a new direction. After beginning in tectonics and arc volcanism, my interests turned to sea floor alteration and then ore genesis. My analytical skills hopscotched from trace elements to stable isotopes to radiogenic isotopes. With the start-up of Holly Stein’s AIRIE Program, I saw a new application for Re-Os isotopes in synsedimentary pyrite and ultimately in organic matter. This opened the door for dating black shales and ultimately, reconstructing petroleum systems. With AIRIE’s expertise in isotope geochemistry in both ore and petroleum systems, we have merged basic and applied research. We strive to continuously improve sampling techniques, analytical chemistry, and data interpretation while working closely with the resource industries to assure applicability of our results to exploration and production. We design our projects with industry partners, not in isolation. I will present examples of both new applications in petroleum systems and tests of evolving analytical approaches.
This lecture is scheduled in a hybrid format. If you would like to join the meeting please:
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Password: 318977
The Van Tuyl lectures are scheduled at 4-5pm in BE 241/ Zoom (hybrid format), and after the lecture there will be a get-together from 5-6pm in BE 243 with pizza and sodas.