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Spring 2023 Career Days – Day 1

Student Recreation Center 1651 Elm St, Golden, CO, United States

Day 1 of the Spring 2023 Career Days! Different companies are attending each date, so make sure to attend both 2/7 & 2/8! Leading companies are looking for new employees […]

Spring 2023 Career Days – Day 2

Student Recreation Center 1651 Elm St, Golden, CO, United States

Day 2 of the Spring 2023 Career Days! Different companies are attending each date, so make sure to attend both 2/7 & 2/8! Leading companies are looking for new employees with the skills necessary to take the world into the future, and you have the opportunity to connect with many of them. Build up your […]

Molecular physics of carbon storage and utilization in tight reservoirs

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

RUI QIAO Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech Abstract: Oil from tight reservoirs has grown to dominate the liquid petroleum production in the U.S., which greatly benefits the petroleum industry. The industry, however, faces challenges in improving oil recovery from these reservoirs and reducing its carbon footprint. CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 sequestration […]

A novel approach to fund the premature shutting down of oil and gas wells – webinar 2/9/2023

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Payne Institute for Public Policy Sustainable Finance Lab at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Sam Arnold, Co-Founder and COO, CarbonPath, presenting at virtual seminar titled A Novel Approach to Fund the Premature Shutting Down of Oil and Gas Wells on Thursday, February 9, 2023 from 10am – 11am MT. TOPIC: A NOVEL APPROACH […]

Geology & Geological Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Payne Institute Joint Lecture: Elizabeth Holley, Colorado School Of Mines

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Elizabeth Holley, Mining Engineering Professor Joint Geology & Geological Engineering and Mining Lecture Berthoud Hall 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 9, 2023 Responsible Critical Minerals Abstract: Policymakers in the United States and worldwide have called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to slow the rate of global warming, but the transition to renewable energy and […]

SSG General Meeting (2/10)!

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

Join SSG on Friday (2/10) from 12:00pm-12:50pm in MZ235! We will have a speaker from the Oil and Gas industry to share their experiences and answer questions from all of you. Will provide a tasty lunch, so come hungry!

Physics Colloquium- “Superconductive Electronics As A Path For Scalability Of Quantum Computing”

Center for Technology and Learning Media (CTLM) 1650 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

Manuel A. Castellanos-Beltran NIST Abstract: Over the last two decades there has been tremendous interest in the advance of large-scale quantum computers. In particular, superconducting quantum processors has become the leading candidate for scalable quantum computing plat-form. Some of the initial research that paved the way for this field to take off was done at […]

Habitat for humanity volunteer event

Mines Solar Decathlon & Tiny House will be hosting a volunteer event with Habitat for Humanity! At this event, we will be helping with the construction and repair of buildings at Aria Denver. Expect lots of hands on work and the chance to learn more about new home construction! We will also be providing lunch […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Understanding and Mitigating Man-made Earthquakes

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

RUBEN JUANES Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT Earthquakes occur when faults slip. While the most devastating earthquakes are of tectonic origin, human activities have been associated with the triggering of earthquakes that have caused substantial economic damage and societal concern. The demonstration that fluid injection can cause earthquakes dates back to the 1970s […]

Physics colloquium-“Controlling Spin and Light at Room Temperature in Lead-Halide Inspired Hybrid Semiconductors”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Matt Beard National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Abstract: In this presentation I will discuss our studies of controlling the charge carrier dynamics, light/matter interactions, and spin populations in metal-halide organic/inorganic hybrid systems. Lower dimensional perovskites are of particular interest since the lower degree of symmetry of the metal-halide connected octahedra and the large spin-orbit coupling […]

Distinguished Lecture By Prof. Nikhilesh Chawla

Coolbaugh Hall 1012 14th St., Golden, CO, United States

The Colorado School of Mines chapter of Sigma Xi — the Scientific Research Honor Society, with support from the Office of the Provost as well as the departments of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemistry, is proud to announce a special presentation by “Distinguished Lecturer” Nikhilesh Chawla of Purdue University: Four-Dimensional (4D) Materials […]

Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Joint Lecture: Chris Atchison

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Chris Atchison, National Science Foundation Joint Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Departments Lecture Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 16, 2023 “Broadening Participation in Geoscience Field-studies through Inclusively Designed Communities of Learning” Abstract: Regardless of the discipline, field-focused coursework places an implicit prerequisite on the physical ability needed to navigate the […]


¡Hola Familia! Happy Friday! Please join us today at noon to welcome our presenters at FirstThings First, a humanitarian engineering organization whose projects aim to help impoverished communities throughout the world. Free food will be provided at the meeting. NEW LOCATION: BB W250!! We look forward to seeing you there!


SEIS on Mars: First Legacy after Four Years of Seismic Monitoring of Mars

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

SEIS, the international seismometer of NASA?s InSight mission, operated on Mars from February 20 19 until mid- December 20 22. For the first time, a robotic seismometer installation was made on the ground followed by wind shield deployment. We present results in term of anisotropy, attenuation and scattering. Seismic source analyses have determined magnitude, depth […]

Weimer Distinguished Lecture: Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant Student Center Grand Ballroom/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 23, 2023 Origins and Habitats of Super-Giant Fields Abstract: The answer to what controls field size is relatively simple:  it is the smaller of either trap capacity or volume of charge (Bishop et al., 1983).  There is a growing […]

Mines Entrepreneurship Showcase

The Mines Entrepreneurship Showcase is back, with more top entrepreneurial presenters and networking opportunities in the same great venue. Students, faculty, alumni, and regional friends are invited to connect on: The unique E&I Ecosystem at Mines and how to get involved, startup group stations for connecting on ideas and boosting ventures, success stories of Mines-alumni […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Large-scale Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

MICHAEL CELIA Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University Subsurface energy systems have historically focused on extraction of hydrocarbons through mining (coal) or drilling and pumping (oil and gas). These extractive industries have led to myriad environmental damages at the land surface as well as large greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. Future […]

Geopolitics of Oil and Gas – Hybrid Seminar

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Please join the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Fellow Trisha Curtis, President and CEO, PetroNerds LLC, presenting a hybrid seminar titled Geopolitics of Oil and Gas on Tuesday, February 28, 203 from noon-1pm MT in the Ben F. Parker Student Center, Ballroom D&E.  Free lunch provided. TOPIC:  GEOPOLITICS OF OIL AND […]

Physics Colloquium-“Single-Atom Memristors And Low-Energy Electronic And Sensor Systems”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Deji Akinwande The University of Texas at Austin Abstract: This presentation focuses on the discovery of memory effect in 2D atomically-thin nanomaterials towards greater scientific understanding and advanced engineering applications. Non-volatile memory devices based on 2D materials are an application of defects and is a rapidly advancing field with rich physics that can be attributed […]

2nd Annual Vip Professional Development Symposium

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

The Vallejo Irvine Program for Professional Development (VIP) is proud to host our 2nd annual VIP Professional Development Symposium on Wednesday, March 1st from 4:00 – 6:30 pm in the Student Center Grand Ballroom. Sage B. Hobbs, host of “Race, Culture, & Beyond: A Naked Conversations Podcast Series” and author of Naked Communication, joins us to discuss […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Robert Handford, Consulting Sedimentologist

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Robert Handford, Consulting Sedimentologist Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, March 2, 2023 Laterally Accreting Slope-channels, Cyclic Steps, and Sediment Waves in a Not-So-Deep but Dynamic Basin, Mississippian Fort Payne Formation, Kentucky-Tennessee Abstract: The Lower-Middle Mississippian Fort Payne Formation in south-central Kentucky consists of carbonate-shale clinothems, which initiated along the abandoned, subaqueous delta front of the […]

Economics and Business Alumni event

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Join us for this networking event and hear updates on research and programs with Economics and Business Department faculty, staff, students and alumni.


Hennebach Lecture Series with Fulbright Scholar Dr. Kalpana Hulluru, Perspectives: Hindu Values in Select Indian Literature and Film

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

BIO: Dr. Kalpana Hulluru is a Professor in the Department of English, Pondicherry University (PU), Puducherry, India. She has been awarded the USA’s ‘Study of Institutions Award’ (2007) and the SICI’s ‘Faculty Mobility Grant’ (2016). While on a Fulbright at Metropolitan State University, Dr. Hulluru, teaches upper-division Literature courses, offers courses on Women’s Writing and […]


Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Buildings Talk

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Passionate about people and buildings? Join us on a conversation about how JEDI factors affect building design & vice versa! Did you know you spend around 93% of your time in buildings? With such an intertwined relationship, it is important that buildings are good, useable, and fair to everyone. Food will be provided. Reach out […]


Mines Rockhounding Club outing to Sand Creek

Center for Technology and Learning Media (CTLM) 1650 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

The MRC will be going to Sand Creek to collect petrified wood this Saturday. No gear is required but waterproof shoes are recommended. We will meet at the CTLM parking lot at 10:00 am.   Mines welcomes individuals with disabilities. If you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact […]

Event Series DI&A General Council Meeting

DI&A General Council Meeting

Virtual Event CO, United States

The purpose of these monthly meetings is to engage all departments and campus units in guiding Mines DI&A, support your unit DI&A diversity efforts, share best practices as we implement our Strategic Plan for DI&A, and facilitate communication between the campus community and leadership. Please ensure that your unit has one representative present at each […]


Colorado Division of Vocational Rehab Presentation: Presented by ODAC and USG

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Join Oredigger Disability Activism and Community and Mines Undergraduate Student Government on March 7 at 5pm in GC 317 for a presentation from the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehab (DVR). Dinner will be provided. The Division of Vocational Rehab offers vocational guidance and counseling, short- or long-term training, job seeking skills, job development and job […]


Careers In Computer Science

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Join the Department of Computer Science and Career Center for an evening of exploring careers in the computer science field.  This event will feature two parts: 5-6 p.m.: Career Panel–This panel will feature representatives from different companies discussing their careers. Specifically, they will highlight career options and pathways through different computer science tracks including: Data […]

VIP Presents: Leading Yourself First w/Charlyn Moss

Brown Hall 1610 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

We often talk about leading others, and talk less often about what is required to lead yourself. Developing as leaders requires a sense of creativity, successful mindsets, and the ability to speak the truth. Charlyn Moss, Chief of Staff at EdSolutions and Founder of Working Within, will take students through a series of activities to […]

Research Council’s Research Fusion Session

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Join us to hear and learn about the ongoing research on campus by 10 fellow faculty members in 5-minutes brief presentations. We invite participants to sign up and offer an overview of their research by filling the form at: The meeting will be followed by real time selection of best presentations and offering of […]

GE/ GP Student Research Fair

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Geology &  Geological Engineering/ Geophysics Student Research Fair, Sponsored by Conoco Phillips Ben Parker Student Center Grand Ballroom, 5-7PM, Thursday, March 9, 2023 Categories (by first author); cash prizes given to winning poster in each division: Undergraduate Geophysics Masters Hydrology Masters Geological Engineering Masters Petroleum/Soft Rock Masters Economic Geology/Hard Rock Masters Pre-candidacy PhD PhD Candidates: […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Optimization and History Matching Frameworks for CO2

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

LOUIS DURLOFSKY Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University There are many challenges associated with achieving carbon storage at gigaton scales. In this talk, I will present some of our recent developments in two areas relevant for the reservoir engineering of CCUS projects. A general framework for optimizing CO2 storage operations using derivative-free algorithms will […]

Physics colloquium – “Harnessing Spin in α-Sn”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Minghzhong Wu Colorado State University, Department of Physics Abstract: Dirac semimetals are a recently discovered topological phase of quantum matter. α-Sn is unique among the Dirac semimetals because it is a single-element material and is therefore relatively easy to grow. Further, it can be transformed into other topological phases, such as a topological insulator or […]

WOAA-Ice Cream Social and Game Night

Free Ice Cream and Games! March 14th in BB W210 from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm WOAA is hosting an Ice Cream Social with the Ice Cream Club! This is an event for people to let loose and hang out with fellow engineers who love aerospace! There will be games and multiple ice cream options […]


Bioscience Careers Panel

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Join the Career Center for an evening of exploring different Bioscience career paths. This event will consist of a one hour panel of industry professionals followed by one hour of networking and refreshments. This is event is free and open to all students, faculty, and staff. We encourage you to RSVP so that we know […]
