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SEIS on Mars: First Legacy after Four Years of Seismic Monitoring of Mars

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

SEIS, the international seismometer of NASA?s InSight mission, operated on Mars from February 20 19 until mid- December 20 22. For the first time, a robotic seismometer installation was made on the ground followed by wind shield deployment. We present results in term of anisotropy, attenuation and scattering. Seismic source analyses have determined magnitude, depth […]

Weimer Distinguished Lecture: Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant Student Center Grand Ballroom/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 23, 2023 Origins and Habitats of Super-Giant Fields Abstract: The answer to what controls field size is relatively simple:  it is the smaller of either trap capacity or volume of charge (Bishop et al., 1983).  There is a growing […]

Economics and Business Alumni event

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Join us for this networking event and hear updates on research and programs with Economics and Business Department faculty, staff, students and alumni.


Mines Capstone Design Senior Showcase

Lockridge Arena 1651 Elm St., Golden, CO, United States

Please join us for the annual Capstone Design Showcase! Open to the public from 9:30-11am in Lockridge Arena in the Rec Center.  This semester, 75+ teams will display their year-long, […]

Geophysics Virtual 5K

Join the Geophysics Department for the virtual 5K completed anytime during the month of July

SEG IMAGE Reception

Join the Society of Exploration Geophysicists on August 28, 2023 RSVP

Welcome Back BBQ

GP@100 Welcome Back BBQ September 8, Welcome Back BBQ, on campus, 4:00 - 6:00 followed by "Lake at the Bottom of the World" movie event including our own Dr. Matt Siegfried!

Join Hennebach for a lecture on Resistance: the CIA, Iraq, Afghanistan 2001. A history and discussion of intelligence missions Post-9/11.

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

Retired CIA deputy director, JR Seeger, will lead a discussion of his career in the CIA and specifically his service in Afghanistan in the Fall of 2001.This event will focus on the historical context and the real-world challenges faced by the collaborative effort of CIA officers, SF operational detachments, and a USSOCOM command team, and […]


GP@100 Distinguished Alumni Lecture Series

GP@100 Distinguished Alumni Heiland Lecture October 18, Distinguished Alumni Heiland Lecture - Dr. Nori Nakata, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm with student, faculty, and alumni reception event 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Trajectories 2023: Stories from Countdown to Launch

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Don’t miss Trajectories 2023: Stories from Countdown to Launch, hosted by The Colorado School of Mines Aerospace Interest Group and the AIAA chapter at Mines! In its seventh year, this […]


GP@100 Geophysics Gives Workshop

GP@100 GP Gives CCUS Workshop November 10, GP Gives CCUS Workshop, 12:00 - 4:00 followed by Happy Hour. Free to alumni! RSVP

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, CSM

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, Geology & Geological Engineering, Friedhoff Hall, 3:30-6PM 'Golden’s Mining Roots and Legacies: A Journey in Geoheritage' Abstract: Gold in Golden? Clay, beer, sewers, brick, and spark plugs? Aggregate, paved streets and open space? Clear Creek and tubing? Golden’s 160+year mining history left these and other legacies, forming a […]

GP@100 AGU Mines Geophysics Alumni Reception

GP@100 AGU Mines Geophysics Alumni Reception December 11, AGU Mines Geophysics Alumni Reception, San Francisco. Please visit our 100th Anniversary website for updated venue information: RSVP

Student & Alumni Medical Mixer

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Interested in the field of Medicine? Come speak with Mines alumni about their journey into the medical field. Mines has solicited participation from alumni in a variety of medical fields, nationally. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, we encourage you to join us for snacks, refreshments, and invaluable conversations […]

Young Environmental Issues Symposium 2024 – Terry Tempest Williams

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Award-Winning Author, Environmentalist & Activist Terry Tempest Williams An evening talk hosted by the Young Environmental issues Symposium on engaging the climate crisis, including a reading from Wild Mercy  


GP@100 EAGE Mines GP Alumni Lunch

RSVP to the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Mines GP Alumni Luncheon in June 2024 in Oslo, Norway!


GP@100 July Virtual 5k

Join us for our July Virtual 5k Alumni Challege! Participation prizes for all, a Grand Prize drawing on July 31, and winners of Fastest, Hardest, and Most Creative 5ks will receive an additional prize!
