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NSF MID-SCALE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM: Briefing presented by Kelsey Hassevoort, PhD, Managing Director, Research Universities Practice at McAllister & Quinn

Transform Mines research campus with this funding opportunity for research instrumentation and equipment. This webinar presented by McAllister & Quinn will provide a program briefing of NSF’s Mid-Scale solicitation. Born out of the National Science Foundation’s 10 Big Ideas, the NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 and -2 (Mid-Scale RI-1 and RI-2) programs support the design and implementation […]

NSF MID-SCALE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM: Briefing presented by Kelsey Hassevoort, PhD, Managing Director, Research Universities Practice at McAllister & Quinn

This webinar presented by McAllister & Quinn will provide a program briefing of NSF’s Mid-Scale solicitation. Born out of the National Science Foundation’s 10 Big Ideas, the NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 and -2 (Mid-Scale RI-1 and RI-2) programs support the design and implementation of research infrastructure — including equipment, cyberinfrastructure, large-scale datasets and personnel — whose total […]

Performance Under Pressure- Life Hacks with Mines Counseling

Virtual Event CO, United States

Feeling the pressure of the semester? Wondering how you’ll be able to pull X, Y or Z off? You are not alone. Learn about harnessing stress to your advantage, strategies for when the pressure feels like too much, and tools for calming your body so that you can perform. All of Mines Counseling Life Hacks […]

Body Kindness & Respect

Virtual Event CO, United States

We are all entrenched in diet culture messages about how we should look and what we should eat. This workshop will explore how to push back on these messages to celebrate all body sizes and shapes and offer tips & resources for engaging with your body in a more respectful and compassionate way. This workshop […]

Stress Busters

Virtual Event CO, United States

Learnhowstresscanaffectyourmindandbody,andwhatyoucandoaboutit. Didyouknow that there are proven ways to reduce stress? This workshop will focus on how to make stress manageable. This workshop will be presented virtually.

Social Media: Supporting Connection or Isolation?

Virtual Event CO, United States

While social media was created with the intention of keeping us connected, growing research suggests it may be doing the opposite. Learn more about this powerful form of digital media and how to use it in a healthy way that serves you.

Refresh Your Perspective

Virtual Event CO, United States

Refresh your perspective by changing your thoughts. Learn how your thoughts impact your feelings and practice ways to adopt new perspectives to better serve you. Come discover your brain’s influence and unleash the power of positive thought! This workshop will be presented virtually!

Laughter as Therapy

Virtual Event CO, United States

Did you know Laughter Therapy is a thing? During this workshop you will find out what Laughter Therapy is, learn about the physical and emotional benefits of Laughter, as well as learn some Laughter Therapy Exercises. Bonus: You will have the opportunity to “just laugh” with your peers. This workshop will be presented virtually!

Substance Use Awareness

Virtual Event CO, United States

This workshop will offer an open discussion on the risks and rewards of substance use, including alcohol, marijuana, stimulants and psychedelics.  The goal is to be safe, reduce potential risk or harm, and still have fun whether you use or not. This workshop will be presented virtually!

Tackling Test Anxiety

Virtual Event CO, United States

Test anxiety is treatable! Learn what test anxiety is, why it happens (signs and symptoms), and practical strategies for decreasing it. This workshop will be presented Virtually!

Coping With Grief

Virtual Event CO, United States

This workshop helps students understand and explore emotions related to their experiences of grief and loss. Learn more about loss, signs of grief, and ways to cope. This Workshop will be presented virtually!

Stress Busters

Virtual Event CO, United States

Learn proven ways to reduce your level of stress and make your life more manageable. Attend this workshop presented virtually: