sPlease join Dr. Walt Copan and the Office of Research and Technology Transfer on one of the three dates below to hear a recap of Fiscal Year 23 in research. The conversation will also highlight some of the added resources available now through RTT and provide an opportunity for Q&A.
New this year: Plan to stay for the second hour to learn about Mines new research messaging and communication strategy. The team will walk through the research website that we are building to better represent the depth and diversity of research across Mines. Join us in conversation, ask questions, and provide feedback to ensure we capture and represent your research expertise.
Session 1
Friday, Sept. 1 | 11 a.m.
Student Center Ballroom D&E, Colorado School of Mines Snacks & beverages provided
Session 2
Thursday, Sept. 14 | 2 p.m.
General Research Lab 20 1, Colorado School of Mines Join us for drinks and networking after the session
Session 3
Monday, Sept. 18 | 12 p.m.
Student Center Ballroom D&E, Colorado School of Mines Snacks & beverages provided
* Zoom Link for all Sessions: https://mines.zoom.us/j/91636463759?pwd=d0 laUTQrYUFSUnNIa2YrbUJsNEkydz09
Password: 180022