Exploring Novel Quantum Phases with
Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation
Dr. Zhexuan Gong, Colorado School of Mines, Dept. of Physics
Trapped-ion based quantum simulators have a unique strength of simulating interacting
spin models with tunable, long-range interactions. With individual control and
measurement of the ion qubits, one can demonstrate a variety of novel quantum phases,
both in and out of equilibrium, that only exist in the presence of sufficiently long-range
interactions. As an example, I will describe our recent collaborative effort in observing a
continuous symmetry breaking phase with a chain of up to 23 trapped ions. Such a phase
has not been observed before in any one-dimensional spin system. In the second half of
the talk, I will propose new trapped-ion experiments for studying steady-state phase
transitions with long-range interactions that have no analog in thermal equilibrium.
Strong signatures of such non-equilibrium dissipative phase transitions can be observed
within the reach of current experiments.