Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, September 15, 2022
Topic: Sea Level Rise and Flooding from Below
Abstract: Coastal aquifers represent hidden sources of flooding for coastal communities. Relative sea-level rise could daylight coastal water tables, leading to new or more productive seepage. Feedbacks with the built environment could exacerbate meteoric and marine flooding events. My research group focus on understanding the hydrogeologic factors that lead to groundwater emergence hazards and how coastal stakeholders can adapt to and defend against changing hydrologic conditions.
This lecture is scheduled in a hybrid format. If you would like to join the meeting please:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 194529
The Van Tuyl lectures are scheduled at 4-5pm in BE 241/ Zoom (hybrid format), and after the lecture there will be a get-together from 5-6pm in BE 243 with pizza and sodas.