Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 2, 2023
Abstract: The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) has been a department in the Colorado School of Mines since 2013. It operates as a non-regulatory state agency providing science in service to the people of Colorado. One core area of the CGS’s work is that of geologic hazards. As part of the hazards program, CGS operates a seismic network with the primary goal to monitor earthquake occurrences inside the state. However, there are a wide variety of both surface and subsurface processes that can create seismic signals. The study of these non-earthquake seismic signals is often referred to as environmental seismology and has the potential to expand insights into a variety of topics including hazards such as landslides.
In this talk, we will introduce the CGS with a presentation on the history and our scientific mission. We will then briefly describe the history of Colorado seismicity and seismic monitoring leading up to the present-day status of CGS’s seismic monitoring in Colorado. We will conclude by sharing ideas and goals for how we can use the CGS seismic network and additional instrumentation to expand into the field of environmental seismology.
This lecture is scheduled in a hybrid format. If you would like to join the meeting please:
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Password: 529482
The Van Tuyl lectures are scheduled at 4-5pm in BE 241/ Zoom (hybrid format), and after the lecture there will be a get-together from 5-6pm in BE 243 with pizza and sodas.