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Water in Contemporary Literature and Film: Professor Paula Farca Faculty Book Talk

Virtual Event CO

Water is a symbol of life, wisdom, fertility, purity, and death. Water also sustains and nourishes, irrigates our crops, keeps us clean and healthy, and contributes to our energy needs. But a strain has been put on our water resources as increased energy demands combine with the effects of climate change to create a treacherous […]

Daniels Fund Public Lecture: ‘CAER in Context: A Flexible Model for Integrating Anticipatory Ethics’

Virtual Event CO

In this talk, we will define and provide a rationale for Creative Anticipatory Ethical Reasoning (CAER), a flexible blend of scenario analysis, design fiction, and ethical reasoning, that we have iteratively developed in the STS Futures Lab. CAER provides a framework for engaging participants in critically imagining and interrogating plausible future trajectories.