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Molecular physics of carbon storage and utilization in tight reservoirs

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

RUI QIAO Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech Abstract: Oil from tight reservoirs has grown to dominate the liquid petroleum production in the U.S., which greatly benefits the petroleum industry. The industry, however, faces challenges in improving oil recovery from these reservoirs and reducing its carbon footprint. CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 sequestration […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Understanding and Mitigating Man-made Earthquakes

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

RUBEN JUANES Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT Earthquakes occur when faults slip. While the most devastating earthquakes are of tectonic origin, human activities have been associated with the triggering of earthquakes that have caused substantial economic damage and societal concern. The demonstration that fluid injection can cause earthquakes dates back to the 1970s […]

Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Joint Lecture: Chris Atchison

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Chris Atchison, National Science Foundation Joint Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Departments Lecture Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 16, 2023 “Broadening Participation in Geoscience Field-studies through Inclusively Designed Communities of Learning” Abstract: Regardless of the discipline, field-focused coursework places an implicit prerequisite on the physical ability needed to navigate the […]

Weimer Distinguished Lecture: Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant Student Center Grand Ballroom/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 23, 2023 Origins and Habitats of Super-Giant Fields Abstract: The answer to what controls field size is relatively simple:  it is the smaller of either trap capacity or volume of charge (Bishop et al., 1983).  There is a growing […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Large-scale Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

MICHAEL CELIA Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University Subsurface energy systems have historically focused on extraction of hydrocarbons through mining (coal) or drilling and pumping (oil and gas). These extractive industries have led to myriad environmental damages at the land surface as well as large greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. Future […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Optimization and History Matching Frameworks for CO2

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

LOUIS DURLOFSKY Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University There are many challenges associated with achieving carbon storage at gigaton scales. In this talk, I will present some of our recent developments in two areas relevant for the reservoir engineering of CCUS projects. A general framework for optimizing CO2 storage operations using derivative-free algorithms will […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Emissions, Regulations, and Solutions

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

PETER M. MUELLER Co-Founder, EcoVapor Recovery Systems Emissions of methane, VOCs, NOx, and CO2 from oil and gas production facilities are coming under increased scrutiny by Federal, State, and even local jurisdictions, as well as the general public. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, while VOCs and NOx are precursors to ozone formation. CO2 concentrations […]

Mines Geology Trail Tour

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Mines Geology Trail Tour, 4 PM, Thursday, August 31, 2023 with Dr. Stephen A. Sonnenberg MEET AT BERTHOUD HALL’S WEST ENTRANCE STEPS AND BRING A WATER BOTTLE

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, CSM

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, Geology & Geological Engineering, Friedhoff Hall, 3:30-6PM 'Golden’s Mining Roots and Legacies: A Journey in Geoheritage' Abstract: Gold in Golden? Clay, beer, sewers, brick, and spark plugs? Aggregate, paved streets and open space? Clear Creek and tubing? Golden’s 160+year mining history left these and other legacies, forming a […]

Ovintiv – Information Session

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Come and Learn about Ovintiv! Ovintiv is a leading North American energy producer focused on developing its multi-basin portfolio of oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas producing plays. We have large and contiguous acreage positions in North America’s top resource plays where we deliver unmatched value through continuous innovation. Casual conversations with Ovintiv regarding a career […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Eric Roberts, Colorado School of Mines

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, September 9, 2024, Berthoud 205, 12-1pm Eric Roberts, Colorado School of Mines Geology and Geological Engineering A New High-Latitude K/PG Boundary Section from Antarctica: Implications for Plate Tectonics, Paleoclimate and the Timing and Origin of the First Bird Fossils Abstract: This talk will present results from Antarctic fieldwork conducted over three seasons […]

Mines Geology Trail Tour

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Mines Geology Trail Tour, 4 PM, Thursday, September 12, 2024 with Dr. Stephen A. Sonnenberg MEET AT BERTHOUD HALL’S WEST ENTRANCE STEPS AND BRING A WATER BOTTLE