by Barbara Shellenberger | Mar 15, 2023
PETER M. MUELLER Co-Founder, EcoVapor Recovery Systems Emissions of methane, VOCs, NOx, and CO2 from oil and gas production facilities are coming under increased scrutiny by Federal, State, and even local jurisdictions, as well as the general public. Methane is a...
by Barbara Shellenberger | Mar 1, 2023
LOUIS DURLOFSKY Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University There are many challenges associated with achieving carbon storage at gigaton scales. In this talk, I will present some of our recent developments in two areas relevant for the reservoir...
by Barbara Shellenberger | Feb 15, 2023
MICHAEL CELIA Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University Subsurface energy systems have historically focused on extraction of hydrocarbons through mining (coal) or drilling and pumping (oil and gas). These extractive industries have led to...
by Juliana Reid | Feb 8, 2023
RUBEN JUANES Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT Earthquakes occur when faults slip. While the most devastating earthquakes are of tectonic origin, human activities have been associated with the triggering of earthquakes that have caused substantial...