Hi Friends,
Exploration and Strategy Sessions on Engineering Sustainable Futures at Mines
Campus leaders want to gather your ideas for a new initiative at Mines: Engineering Sustainable Futures. We will discuss
Come with your wild, creative ideas to help us create something truly sustainable at Mines!
April 27, 6:30pm VIRTUAL – Zoom: https://mines.zoom.us/j/96323470108
Be sure to log into zoom with your Mines email!
This event is for everyone! Students, Faculty, Staff.
Mines could be a global leader in driving truly sustainable futures by equipping our graduates with sophisticated, systems-level sustainability skills and by ensuring that our solutions and innovations are rooted in an advanced understanding of the sustainability implications of the systems in which they reside. Attend a session to get involved and help guide the development of Sustainable Futures at Mines!
If you missed the in-person sessions, here is your chance to join virtually!