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Resume 101

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden

Never made a resume? No worries! This workshop will cover the basics of a resume including formatting, design, organization, and content. Students will leave this workshop feeling confident they can craft a well-designed and organized resume. This workshop will be facilitated by a Career and Professional Development Advisor and utilize a PowerPoint presentation with supplemental […]

Physics colloquium-“New Concepts and Emergent Materials for Optoelectronics and Photovoltaics”

Hill Hall 920 15th St., Golden

Thomas Fix University of Strasbourg, ICube Labroratoy (CNRS) Abstract: This seminar will give an overview of three different topics currently investigated in the Materials for electronic and photovoltaic devices team (MaCEPV) of ICube laboratory. Downshifting and downconversion for solar cells Downshifting and downconversion are advanced concepts for solar cells enabling a better match between the […]