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GE, GP, ESP, USGS and OGI Joint Lecture: David Applegate, USGS Director

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

David Applegate, USGS Director Joint Geology & Geological Engineering, Geophysics, Earth & Society Programs, USGS Geologic Hazards Science Center, Office of Global Initiatives Lecture Friedhoff Hall 1&2/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, January 12, 2023 Science in Service to Society: The Evolving Role of the U.S. Geological Survey Abstract: Since its founding, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Judy Hannah, Colorado State University

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Judy Hannah, Colorado State University Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, January 19, 2023 How Re-Os Isotope Systematics in Petroleum Systems was Born Abstract: Twenty years ago, my research program serendipitously took a new direction.  After beginning in tectonics and arc volcanism, my interests turned to sea floor alteration and then ore genesis.  My analytical skills […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Holly Stein, Colorado State University

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Holly Stein, Colorado State University Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, January 19, 2023 Topic/ Abstract TBA This lecture is scheduled in a hybrid format. If you would like to join the meeting please: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 827662 The Van Tuyl lectures are scheduled at 4-5pm in BE 241/ […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Kyren Bogolub, Colorado Geological Survey

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Kyren Bogolub, Colorado Geological Survey Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 2, 2023 The Colorado Geological Survey, Colorado Seismicity, and New Questions Abstract: The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) has been a department in the Colorado School of Mines since 2013. It operates as a non-regulatory state agency providing science in service to the people of […]

Geology & Geological Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Payne Institute Joint Lecture: Elizabeth Holley, Colorado School Of Mines

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Elizabeth Holley, Mining Engineering Professor Joint Geology & Geological Engineering and Mining Lecture Berthoud Hall 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 9, 2023 Responsible Critical Minerals Abstract: Policymakers in the United States and worldwide have called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to slow the rate of global warming, but the transition to renewable energy and […]

Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Joint Lecture: Chris Atchison

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Chris Atchison, National Science Foundation Joint Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics/ Mining Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering Departments Lecture Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 16, 2023 “Broadening Participation in Geoscience Field-studies through Inclusively Designed Communities of Learning” Abstract: Regardless of the discipline, field-focused coursework places an implicit prerequisite on the physical ability needed to navigate the […]

Weimer Distinguished Lecture: Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Richard S. Bishop, International Oil and Gas Consultant Student Center Grand Ballroom/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, February 23, 2023 Origins and Habitats of Super-Giant Fields Abstract: The answer to what controls field size is relatively simple:  it is the smaller of either trap capacity or volume of charge (Bishop et al., 1983).  There is a growing […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Robert Handford, Consulting Sedimentologist

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Robert Handford, Consulting Sedimentologist Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, March 2, 2023 Laterally Accreting Slope-channels, Cyclic Steps, and Sediment Waves in a Not-So-Deep but Dynamic Basin, Mississippian Fort Payne Formation, Kentucky-Tennessee Abstract: The Lower-Middle Mississippian Fort Payne Formation in south-central Kentucky consists of carbonate-shale clinothems, which initiated along the abandoned, subaqueous delta front of the […]

GE/ GP Student Research Fair

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Geology &  Geological Engineering/ Geophysics Student Research Fair, Sponsored by Conoco Phillips Ben Parker Student Center Grand Ballroom, 5-7PM, Thursday, March 9, 2023 Categories (by first author); cash prizes given to winning poster in each division: Undergraduate Geophysics Masters Hydrology Masters Geological Engineering Masters Petroleum/Soft Rock Masters Economic Geology/Hard Rock Masters Pre-candidacy PhD PhD Candidates: […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Ken Belitz, USGS

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Ken Belitz, United States Geological Survey, GSA's Hydrogeology Division’s Distinguished Birdsall-Dress Lecturer for 2023 Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, April 20, 2023 Old Problems, New Approach: Applications of Ensemble-Tree Machine Learning to Hydrogeology Abstract: Ensemble tree modeling is a machine learning method well suited for representing complex non-linear phenomena. As such, ensemble tree modeling can […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Antônio Meira Neto, Colorado College

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Antônio Meira Neto, Colorado College Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4PM, Thursday, April 27, 2023 Geophysical Imaging of Water Ages Abstract: Understanding how long water stays in the earth's surface (from the moment it lands as precipitation until it reaches a stream or evaporates back into the atmosphere) is quite important for many earth science investigations. However, […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Jeffrey Hyman, LANL

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Jeffrey Hyman, Los Alamos National Laboratory Berthoud 306/ Zoom, 4PM, Monday, May 1, 2023 The Interplay of Multiple Scales in Fractured Media on Flow and Transport Properties Abstract: In low-permeability fractured media, such as granites and shales, flow and the associated transport of dissolved solutes is controlled primarily by fractures embedded within the rock matrix. […]

Mines Geology Trail Tour

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Mines Geology Trail Tour, 4 PM, Thursday, August 31, 2023 with Dr. Stephen A. Sonnenberg MEET AT BERTHOUD HALL’S WEST ENTRANCE STEPS AND BRING A WATER BOTTLE

Van Tuyl Lecture: Arnoud Slootman, CSM Geology & Geological Engineering Post-doctorate

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4-5 PM Arnoud Slootman, CSM Geology & Geological Engineering Post-Doctorate Carbonate Platform Slopes: Outcrops, Experiments and Models Resedimented carbonates are important building blocks of carbonate platforms and adjacent slopes. Shallow-water carbonate environments may be prolific producers of skeletal and non-skeletal sediments. Excess sediment is exported off-platform and may accumulate […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Dr. Dorrik Stowe, Heriot-Watt University

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, Berthoud 241/ Zoom, 4-5 PM Dorrik Stowe, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland VANISHED OCEAN: How Tethys Re-shaped the World Abstract: A hundred million years ago, a mighty ocean dominated the equatorial world. Its vast waters bore witness to many of most dramatic episodes in the story of our planet. It played host to a […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Sara Warix, CSM PhD Candidate 2023 Student Research Fair Winner

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Sara Warix, CSM Geology & Geological Engineering/ Geophysics PhD Candidate 2023 Student Research Fair Winner, 4-5PM, Berthoud 241 'Impacts of Climate Change on Headwater Stream Discharge and Chemistry' Abstract: In the western U.S., climate change is causing more precipitation to fall as rain rather than snow and it is currently unclear how, where, and when […]

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, CSM

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Weimer Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Donna S. Anderson, Geology & Geological Engineering, Friedhoff Hall, 3:30-6PM 'Golden’s Mining Roots and Legacies: A Journey in Geoheritage' Abstract: Gold in Golden? Clay, beer, sewers, brick, and spark plugs? Aggregate, paved streets and open space? Clear Creek and tubing? Golden’s 160+year mining history left these and other legacies, forming a […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Greg Tucker, University of Colorado

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, February 12, 2024, Berthoud 204, 12-1pm Greg Tucker, University of Colorado Community Resources for Modeling Earth's Dynamic Surface Abstract: Computer simulations of earth's geomorphic and sedimentary processes provide valuable insight into how landscapes, seascapes, and depositional basins evolve. Simulation models embody quantitative concepts about how geologic systems work, and as "living hypotheses" […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: DI&A Speaker, Leigh Stearns, University of Kansas

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

DI&A Van Tuyl Lecture, March 11, 2024, Berthoud 243, 12-1pm Leigh Stearns, University of Kansas Lots of Data, No Diversity: Exploring Machine Learning Algorithms and Strategies to Build Community in Glaciology Abstract: As the cryosphere undergoes unprecedented changes due to global warming, artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool in advancing research, monitoring, and risk […]

GGE/ GP Student Research Fair

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

GGE Department: Student Research Fair with Geophysics Sponsored by ConocoPhillips What: A presentation/competition celebrating student research in Geology & Geological Engineering and Geophysics When: Thursday, March 28, 2024, 4-6pm in Grand Ballroom, Ben Parker Student Center Why: Share your research and engage in scholarly discussion with your colleagues, faculty, and guests from across campus and […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Kaustubh Thirumalai, University of Arizona

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, April 1, 2024, Berthoud 204, 12-1pm Kaustubh Thirumalai, University of Arizona "Individual Foraminifera as Tracers of Paleomonsoon Intensity and Methane Seepage History from Indian Margin Sediments" Abstract: Sediments accumulating offshore the Indian subcontinent hold a rich record of southern Asian paleoclimate change, where freshwater outflow is primarily driven by Indian Summer Monsoon […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Kevin Rosso, PNNL

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, April 15, 2024, Berthoud 204, 12-1pm Kevin Rosso, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Probing Ion Relaxation Dynamics at Mineral-Water Interfaces for Advances in Understanding Electrical Geophysical Signatures of the Subsurface Abstract: Electrical geophysical sensing techniques such as resistivity tomography and spectral induced polarization hold promise for real-time monitoring of distributions of strain, porosity, […]

CGS Lecture: Dr. Ittai Gavrieli, Geological Survey of Israel

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Colorado Geological Survey Lecture, April 26, 2024, Berthoud 241, 2pm Ittai Gavrieli, Geological Survey of Israel The Dead Sea: Past and Present as Keys to its Future in Light of the Water Shortage in the Levant Abstract: The Dead Sea (DS), the lowest place on the continental Earth is a hyper-saline terminal lake. The brine […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Eric Roberts, Colorado School of Mines

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, September 9, 2024, Berthoud 205, 12-1pm Eric Roberts, Colorado School of Mines Geology and Geological Engineering A New High-Latitude K/PG Boundary Section from Antarctica: Implications for Plate Tectonics, Paleoclimate and the Timing and Origin of the First Bird Fossils Abstract: This talk will present results from Antarctic fieldwork conducted over three seasons […]

Mines Geology Trail Tour

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Mines Geology Trail Tour, 4 PM, Thursday, September 12, 2024 with Dr. Stephen A. Sonnenberg MEET AT BERTHOUD HALL’S WEST ENTRANCE STEPS AND BRING A WATER BOTTLE

Van Tuyl Lecture: Kenny Swift Bird, Colorado School of Mines

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, October 7, 2024, Marquez 126, 12-1pm Kenny Swift Bird, Colorado School of Mines Geology and Geological Engineering GE/ GP 2024 Student Research Fair Winner Quantifying Metal(oid) Source-sink Dynamics in an Alpine Headwaters Stream Abstract: Metal(loid) impacts to streams are pervasive across the western U.S. from both natural and legacy mining sources, impacting […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Dr. Ryan Emanuel, Duke University

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, October 28, 2024, Student Center Ballroom B, 12-1pm Ryan Emanuel, Duke University Environmental Justice for Earth and Environmental Sciences Abstract: Earth and environmental scientists sometimes think about our research as supporting efforts to promote environmental justice (i.e., environmental science for environmental justice). This framing is often true and can yield impactful science, […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Anita Marshall, University of Florida

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, November 4, 2024, Berthoud 205, 12-1pm Anita Marshall, University of Florida The GeoSPACE Field Course - A New Model for Accessible Inclusive Field Education Abstract: Field education is an important part of undergraduate training in the geosciences. Studies show that field education has many benefits to students academically, professionally and personally. However, […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Matthew Steele-MacInnis, University of Alberta

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Van Tuyl Lecture, November 18, 2024, Berthoud 205, 12-1pm Matthew Steele-MacInnis, University of Alberta Old Problem, New Solution: Molten Salts and the Origins of Magnetite-apatite Deposits Abstract: The origins of magnetite-apatite (aka iron-oxide-apatite, or IOA) deposits have been deeply controversial for nearly a century, mostly because the fluids that form these deposits have remained elusive. […]