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International Human Trafficking Prevention Lecture

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

A presentation that will provide attendees with the opportunity to gain insight into the importance of human labor and sex trafficking as well as how to recognize and prevent it. Presented by Professor Claude d’Estree who leads the Human Trafficking research program at the University of Denver and teaches on International Law and Human Rights

Interpersonal Violence 101 Workshop – special event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Brown Hall 1610 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Join the SHAPE Office and Betsy’s Friends Peer Educators in a workshop to discuss interpersonal violence and prevention methods. All members of the Mines community can benefit from learning about the presentation of interpersonal violence, prevention strategies, and how to find resources available.  Student workshop: 12:00-12:50pm in BBW475 led by the Betsy’s Friends Peer Educators and SHAPE Office Faculty/staff workshop: 1:00-1:50pm in BBW475, led by […]

Interpersonal Violence 101 Workshop – special event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Brown Hall 1610 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Join the SHAPE Office and Betsy’s Friends Peer Educators in a workshop to discuss interpersonal violence and prevention methods. All members of the Mines community can benefit from learning about the presentation of interpersonal violence, prevention strategies, and how to find resources available.  Student workshop: 12:00-12:50pm in BBW475 led by the Betsy’s Friends Peer Educators and SHAPE Office Faculty/staff workshop: 1:00-1:50pm in BBW475, led by […]

Sexual Assault Survivor Response Training

Ben H. Parker Student Center 1200 16th St., Golden, CO, United States

This training is offered to Mines faculty and staff who are interested in learning to compassionately respond to college student survivors of sexual violence.  Participants will: 1. Recognize the unique environment of institutions of higher education 2.. Understand social norms and dynamics that influence victimization in society, on college campuses, and at Mines 3. Challenge […]

Take Back the Night

Green Center 924 16th Street, Golden, CO, United States

Join the SHAPE Office for Take Back the Night (TBTN)! TBTN is a nationally recognized movement across colleges and universities in the U.S. that serves to bring awareness and combat sexual assault on college campuses. This event coincides with the month of April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. During the evening of TBTN, members of the […]
