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Virtual Office Hours

Drop in on zoom for a personalized consultation with a counselor from the Counseling Center. Please review Virtual Office Hours Consent prior to attending. Join here via zoom:

Virtual Office Hours

Drop in on zoom for a personalized consultation with a counselor from the Counseling Center. Please review Virtual Office Hours Consent prior to attending. Join here via zoom:

Social Media: Supporting Connection or Isolation?

While social media was created with the intention of keeping us connected, growing research suggests it may be doing the opposite. Learn more about this powerful form of digital media and how to use it in a healthy way that serves you.

Tackling Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is treatable! Learn what test anxiety is, why it happens (signs and symptoms), and practical strategies for decreasing it. This workshop will be presented Virtually!

Stress Busters

Learnhowstresscanaffectyourmindandbody,andwhatyoucandoaboutit. Didyouknow that there are proven ways to reduce stress? This workshop will focus on how to make stress manageable. This workshop will be presented virtually.