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Physics Colloquium: “Becoming An Agent of Change in Physics”

Simone Hyater-Adams American Physical Society Abstract: My path through physics is non-traditional in many ways, and it serves as an example of how the physics discipline can fail Black students even when we are seen as high achieving. In this talk, I will discuss my physics journey, and how I found myself in a career […]

Managing Carbon, Growing Economies: Ambition. Innovation. Scale. Collaboration. – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Mines Global Energy Future Initiative and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Dr. Paula Gant, PhD., Senior Vice President, Strategy and Innovation, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), presenting a webinar titled Managing Carbon, Growing Economies: Ambition. Innovation. Scale. Collaboration. All Required. on Thursday,April 8, 2021 from […]

Using Building Volume Per Capita (BVPC) to Assess Spatial Inequality in Denver and Surrounding Counties – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the American Association of Geographers and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Dr. Tilottama Ghosh, Payne Institute Earth Observation Group Research Associate, presenting a webinar titled Using Building Volume Per Capita (BVPC) to Assess Spatial Inequality in Denver and Surrounding Counties on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 2:30pm […]

Decarbonizing Industrial Production – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Dr. Neil Fromer, Executive Director, Programs, Resnick Sustainability Institute, California Institute of Technology, presenting a webinar titled Decarbonizing Industrial Production on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (MT). TOPIC: DECARBONIZING INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION SPEAKER: DR. NEIL FROMER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, […]

Physics Colloquium: “Quantum Control of Spins in Silicon”

Mark Eriksson University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Physics Abstract: Quantum computing is based on the manipulation of two-level quantum systems, or qubits. In most approaches to quantum computing, qubits are as much as possible isolated from their environment in order to minimize the loss of qubit phase coherence. The use of nuclear spins as qubits is a […]

Emerging Scholar Seminar: Kevin Josey, Harvard Postdoc

Virtual Event CO, United States

The Emerging Scholars Seminar Series offers free weekly seminars on various topics of interest to undergraduate student researchers at Mines. There are no limits on attendance. At this ESSS Kevin Josey, Ph.D., will speak about his research and his person experience as postdoctoral fellow in biostatistics at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health […]


Lauren Zoe Baker: Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight

Virtual Event CO, United States

Celebrate Undergraduate Research Week and the accomplishments of our hardworking students! Join the office of Undergraduate Research Scholars and undergraduate student researcher, Lauren "Zoe" Baker, for an Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight on Zoom. Lauren “Zoe” Baker is a third year undergraduate student double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Zoe does research with the […]


PE Distinguished Seminar: Dr. Abbas Firoozabadi

Molecular Structure, Functional Molecules, Molecule Simulations and Classical Thermodynamics in Relation to Efficient Hydrocarbon Energy Production and Stewardship of the Environment Professor Abbas Firoozabadi Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, USA Register to attend at In the last few years, there has […]

Undergraduate Research Week Kickoff

Student Recreation Center 1651 Elm St, Golden, CO, United States

Join Undergraduate Research Scholars Student Organization, URSSO, at the Student Center (formerly Kafadar Commons awning) 4:30pm-6:00pm MT Monday, April 19th to kick off Undergraduate Research Week! At this event URSSO ambassadors and URS staff will be distributing free grab n' go food items, pinback buttons, and information about undergraduate research at Mines. Information will focus […]


Circular Economies to Decarbonize Electricity and Mobility – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Fellow Dustin Mulvaney, Professor in the Environmental Studies Department at San José State University (SJSU), presenting a webinar titled Circular Economies to Decarbonize Electricity and Mobility on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (MT). TOPIC: CIRCULAR ECONOMIES TO […]

Sadie Jonson: Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight

Virtual Event CO, United States

Celebrate Undergraduate Research Week and the accomplishments of our hardworking students! Join the office of Undergraduate Research Scholars and undergraduate student researcher, Sadie Jonson, for an Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight.


Physics Colloquium: “Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Hydrogen”

Dylan Yost Colorado State University, Department of Physics Abstract: Because of hydrogen’s simplicity, its energy levels are well-described by quantum electrodynamics (QED).  This had made precision spectroscopy of hydrogen a favorite testbed for bound-stated QED.  In addition, assuming the QED calculations are correct, one can use hydrogen spectroscopy to determine the Rydberg constant and the […]

Climate Change and National Security: The Need to Address a Growing Global Threat – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Mines Global Energy Future Initiative and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn, U.S. Navy, Retired, presenting a webinar titled Climate Change and National Security: The Need to Address a Growing Global Threat on Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:00pm […]

What Can We Know About Energy Futures? – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join Energy vs. Climate and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Ken Caldeira, Gates Ventures, presenting a webinar titled What Can We Know About Energy Futures? on Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:00pm (MT). TOPIC: WHAT CAN WE KNOW ABOUT ENERGY FUTURES?   SPEAKER:  KEN CALDEIRA, GATES […]

Ethan Perry: Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight

Virtual Event CO, United States

Celebrate Undergraduate Research Week and the accomplishments of our hardworking students! Join the office of Undergraduate Research Scholars and undergraduate student researcher, Ethan Perry, for an Undergraduate Research Student Spotlight on Zoom. Register:


Celebration of Undergraduate Research – VURS 2021

Virtual Event CO, United States

Join us as we end the 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium with a Celebration of Undergraduate Research. We heavily encourage mentors, researchers, and the general public to attend this event. This platform provides a unique opportunity for you to verbally discuss research with interested parties and, more importantly, celebrate your successes. (Please note that the […]


Exploring Opportunities for Green Hydrogen – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Canadian Renewable Energy Association and Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon, Payne Institute Senior Research Associate, presenting a webinar titled Exploring Opportunities for Green Hydrogen on Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 11:00am – 11:30am (MT). TOPIC: EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREEN HYDROGEN SPEAKER: DR. SARA HASTINGS-SIMON, SENIOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, […]

21st Century Energy Transition Symposium – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory and Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines for the 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium on Tuesday, May 4, Wednesday, May 5, and Wednesday, May 14, 2021 from 9:00am – 5:00pm (MT). TOPIC: 21ST CENTURY ENERGY TRANSITION SYMPOSIUM SPEAKERS: JORDY LEE, PROGRAM MANAGER, PAYNE INSTITUTE, WILL MODERATE ON TUESDAY, […]

Future of Buildings, Transportation, and Power – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Mines Global Energy Future Initiative and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Roger Duncan, retired Research Fellow at the Energy Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, and General Manager of Austin Energy, and Dr. Michael E. Webber, Chief Science and Technology Officer at ENGIE, […]

Decarbonizing Heavy Industry – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join Energy vs. Climate and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome Thomas Koch Blank,senior principal at RMI, presenting a webinar titled Decarbonizing Heavy Industry on Thursday, May 6, 2021 from 11:00am – 12:00pm (MT). TOPIC: DECARBONIZING HEAVY INDUSTRY   SPEAKER: THOMAS KOCH BLANK, SENIOR PRINCIPAL, RMI MODERATOR: DR. SARA HASTINGS-SIMON, PAYNE […]

21st Century Energy Transition Symposium – Webinar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory and Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines for the 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium on Tuesday, May 4, Wednesday, May 5, and Wednesday, May 14, 2021 from 9:00am – 5:00pm (MT). TOPIC: 21ST CENTURY ENERGY TRANSITION SYMPOSIUM SPEAKERS: JORDY LEE, PROGRAM MANAGER, PAYNE INSTITUTE, WILL MODERATE ON TUESDAY, […]

State of Mines Plenary, Q&A with Leadership

Lockridge Arena 1651 Elm St., Golden, CO, United States

This conference is a time for Mines faculty and staff to gather together to learn more about important initiatives underway at Mines. The plenary and Q&A will be followed by breakout workshop sessions; all will be held on campus and can be joined via Zoom. Plenary and Q&A: Register to join virtually Breakout Sessions THE […]

The Role of Nuclear Power in Addressing Climate Change – Virtual Seminar

Virtual Event CO, United States

Please join the Mines Global Energy Future Initiative and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines as we welcome moderators Mark Deinert and Morgan Bazilian with panelists Daniel Kammen, John Kotek, Allison Macfarlane, Rachel Slaybaugh, and Frank N. von Hippel, presenting a webinar titled The Role of Nuclear Power in […]

Physics Colloquium: “Taming the BeEST: Rare-Isotopes, Quantum Sensors, & Our Quest for the New Standard Model”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Kyle Leach Colorado School of Mines, Department of Physics Abstract: The search for sterile neutrinos is among the brightest possibilities in our quest for understanding the microscopic nature of dark matter in our universe.  Experiments that hunt for these particles using large-volume direct-detection methods, however, have an inherent disadvantage in these searches since sterile neutrinos […]

Physics Colloquium: “Building Physics Majors: We C.A.R.E.–An Emphasis on Recruitment/Retention/Research of 1st & 2nd Year Students”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Willie Rockward Morgan State University, Physics & Engineering Physics Abstract: Building physics majors at any institution, especially Morgan State University – a public, urban, HBCU institution, can be very challenging. To address this challenge, I am applying a modified version of my pedagogical approach called “We C.A.R.E.” which stands for Curriculum, Advisement, Recruitment/Retention/Research, and Extras. […]

QBE Seminar Series: “Harnessing Chaos: Rational Design of Surfaces for Cavitation-Based Imaging Agents, Nanomotors, and Protein Therapeutics”

Alderson Hall 1613 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

QBE Seminar Series presents: Dr. Andrew P. Goodwin, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering with CU Boulder, and founder of the Goodwin Research Group. Cavitation events, or the formation of a gas pocket in a liquid medium, can be highly destructive and disruptive. We have sought to understand how surfaces can facilitate or inhibit […]


Physics colloquium-“Lasers and the Path Towards Compact Particle Accelerators”

CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering 1523 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Franklin Dollar University of California, Irvine - Department of Physics and Astronomy Abstract: Through the use of high power, short pulse lasers, a technology which warranted the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics, a revolution is occurring in particle acceleration. Through the use of laser driven accelerators, it is possible to achieve efficient acceleration of particles and […]

Van Tuyl Lecture: Majorie Chan, University of Utah

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Majorie Chan, University of Utah Thursday, September 30, 2021, 4PM, BE 241/ Virtual Topic: Red Rocks from Earth to Mars Abstract: Mars is an exciting frontier for sedimentology, with opportunities to discover what might exist within its sedimentary layers and surface landforms.  Comparative studies of red rocks on Earth have provided important clues for interpreting […]

Proteomic Analysis of The Extracellular Matrix – From Wound Healing to Biomaterials

Alderson Hall 1613 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides structural scaffolding and mediates signaling in the extracellular space. The protein component is resistant to chaotrope extraction, making proteomic characterization challenging. We have developed optimized […]


QBE Seminar Series: Elucidating the Chemical Dialogue of Microbial Communities

Alderson Hall 1613 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

QBE Seminar Series welcomes Vanessa Phelan, the L.S. Skaggs Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, with University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Microbial natural products continue to have a profound impact on human health. While environmental natural products are widely used in medicine, structurally […]


Innov8x Flash Challenge: Outdoor Health

Looking for a richer outdoor experience? How can we enhance healthy living through richer outdoor experiences? Join us Friday, October 22, at the new interim Venture Center, when we will look into outdoor health. Mines has always been known for solving big problems using our advanced research. For example, Professor Melissa Krebs developed hydrogel bandages […]


Hennebach Lecture Series: Education in Afghanistan: Promoting Local Solutions to Address Complex Realities

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

HB Lecture Series presents Education in Afghanistan: Promoting Local Solutions to Address Complex Realities Education in Afghanistan, particularly girls’ education, is making headlines again as education policies and structures are rearranged under the new government of Taliban. While discourse on education in Afghanistan is embedded with assumptions about the Afghan culture and Islam, a closer […]


Engineering 3D-Printed, Phototunable Models of Pulmonary Arterial Adventitia to Study Sex Differences in Fibroblast Activation

Alderson Hall 1613 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Welcome Dr. Chelsea Magin, Assistant Professor in the Departments of Bioengineering, Pediatrics and Medicine and the Principal Investigator of the Bio-inspired Pulmonary Engineering Laboratory at the University of Colorado, Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus. Abstract: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a form of a pulmonary vascular disease that causes high blood pressure in the lungs. It […]


Van Tuyl Lecture: Adrienne Marshall, CSM Geology and Geological Engineering

Berthoud Hall 1516 Illinois St., Golden, CO, United States

Adrienne Marshall, Colorado School of Mines Geology & Geological Engineering Thursday, November 4, 2021, 4PM, BE 241/ Virtual Topic: Hydrologic Modeling in Discontinuous Boreal Permafrost: Model Sensitivity and Uncertainty in Non-stationary Climates Abstract: Process-based hydrologic models are the gold standard for simulating hydrologic conditions in future climates. These are particularly important in regions with complex […]

PE Distinguished Seminar: Dr. Rajesh Pawar, Senior Scientist and Engineer from Los Alamos National Lab

Marquez Hall 1600 Arapahoe St., Golden, CO, United States

CCUS – The need for it and its current status Capture of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and its storage or utilization (CCUS) is one of the technologies that will be part of the portfolio of solutions needed to reduce anthropogenic emissions of CO2 in response to climate change. There have been extensive research, development and demonstration […]